Request For Quotes Korner - RFQK.COM

"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely."

Auguste Rodin

Life is built on continuing experiences.  Some are good and others are terrible.  What we experience becomes who we are.  There is nothing good or bad about an experience except our interpretation of it.  For everyone who likes something or someone, there is someone else who dislikes that same person or thing. 

A French sculptor who died at 77 in 1917, Auguste Rodin, said it this way, "Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely."  Whether you fail or succeed it doesn't matter if the act of doing so teaches you something you use to your advantage. 

Even if you strongly dislike a person, that can be used to your advantage if you look at the entire situation and create a positive experience from it.  Maybe you learn that hating only hurts you, not the target of your hatred; their life goes on as if you didn't exist.  Turning your dislike to a hint of understanding of that person's circumstance could give you insight into your own life.

A broken tool teaches you how not to use a tool. A broken romance gives you strength in your next romantic encounter.  Of course each of these is based on "if you use the experience wisely".




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